Deena Kordt

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Are You Drowning in Another Wave… ?

We were still enjoying the last days of a beautiful summer, with most of our freedoms returned to pre-pandemic standards, when yet another wave hit us broadside

You would expect that having been through this before, we would have been better prepared to face it again, to resign to the inevitable course needed for this thing to run itself out, but instead of helping us cope, the familiarity of having lived with a global pandemic, experiencing its repercussions for well over a year, is actually proving, for most of us, to be extremely frustrating, discouraging and thoroughly exhausting.

This next wave has come in hard and fast, hitting us with a brutal force while we are still exhausted, disoriented, gasping for air, and trying to get our feet back under us. We are so frickin’ worn out.

We have tried to accommodate every rule and restriction from announcements that are confusing, inconsistent, and constantly changing.

We are struggling to explain all of this to our children, families, employees, clients, students, teams, friends .. when we really don’t understand or even agree with it all ourselves. What is the rationale? The rhyme or reason?

Will it ever end? Will we have to accept life with far less freedoms - all those freedoms that we have taken for granted would always be available to us?

Our endurance and resilience is being tested in ways, and for longer, than we’ve likely ever experienced on a global scale before in our lifetime. No, it’s not a hardship like a world war, and yes, this most recent wave was not entirely unexpected, but that doesn’t really make it any easier to tolerate and live with. What if this is only the first of several global challenges that we will endure? How will life look for our children and grandchildren, nieces, nephews, aging relatives; our work and retirement, travel and leisure, healthcare.. every aspect of our lives has been affected. This is never going away, and the next crisis could be much worse.

What have you learned about yourself, your coping skills, your endurance, adaptability, and state of mind during this time?

Have you changed? Do you feel any of those changes are permanent? What have been the positive and negative outcomes for you personally?*

I can’t help but think of the dinosaurs and the theory of their demise that points to a lack of adaptability. The human race isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon, but those who can’t adjust and adapt will face some very difficult days and may never recover. I for one, struggle to accept some things that I feel were forced on me without any option to exercise my own personal choice.

Fortunately, we do have a choice in how we react, with the mindset we view our world through. “Mindset” is becoming a very popular term, but do you know the power it holds?

It can mean the difference between becoming extinct and thriving!

I’m completely serious! Our mental health is already in jeopardy without us adding to the problem by viewing almost everything we encounter through our FML lenses. I remember my teenage daughter being upset about a bit of drama or something embarrassing and stating that this was the worst day of her life.. to which I replied, “Honey, I certainly hope it is.” I wished with my whole heart that that was the worst thing she’d ever face for the rest of her life. She didn’t always appreciate that response from me, but now as she looks back, she understands how sincere I was, and she also wishes those had been the worst days of her life.

Do you feel stuck in a mindset of doom and gloom? Does the slightest thing set you off and make you just want to curl up somewhere, hide, and give up? Are you exhausted trying to juggle all the roles you fill, while also navigating this ever-changing pandemic landscape, with zero energy or inspiration to consider pursuing your own goals? … Wait! What? You’ve lost touch with who YOU are and what goals you ever had? Would you like help to find “You” again and get to a healthier, happier place where you are excited about life again and ready to create your best life? I can help!

Together, we can get you reset and ready to take on the world - no matter what you face.

I won’t go on about it here, but if you’re curious to know more, check out my webpage with more info. In the meantime, I have some podcasts, social media accounts and books I’d recommend as a place to start. And speaking of books! DYK?! I’m collecting people’s stories of their experiences during this pandemic? It’s a way we can remember what we’ve lived through, how we survived and thrived and share those stories to support others who feel all alone in what they’re facing. Please consider joining us. We need Your story, Your voice!

Keep your chin up & your smile on - even if it is behind a mask for a little while longer.. we’ll still see the happy in your eyes! 😃

xo Deena

P.S. *Have you noticed how many questions I’m always asking in my blog posts? 🤔 There are a couple reasons for this - I’m actually really curious to know your answers and these are also great journal prompts for you to dig in and figure some stuff out about your life and your self! So jot them down, or make a mental note to contemplate these prompts as you’re going through your day, or laying awake at night.. that’s often when I am finally still long enough and it’s quiet enough to think. 🕵️ Go back through some of my other posts to find more. 📝 Comment on posts and let us know your answers so we can all benefit from your experiences and wisdom. You have so much to share & we’d love to get to know you better! 🥰