1st Quarter Books


Has this ever happened to you?

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

· Here you are, 89 pages into a much-acclaimed book, disappointed, disengaged, disgusted… or all 3.

· You’re at a cozy cabin in some secluded spot with plenty of spare time to relax & read that monstrous hardcover, the only book you brought, because it will take months to finish.. and 2 chapters in, you are already sooo over it.

· On vacation, lounging beside a sparkling pool, you crack open the first book from the stack that took precious packing space.. only to discover that you have already read this novel before. Drat!

Long ago, I revised my tolerance of books, raised the bar on my reading material and reconsidered how I valued my precious time. And it changed my life. Literally.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a quick, light, easy read that is strictly for entertainment. The criteria I am referring to has more to do with the massive volume of books I hope to read in my lifetime. I am constantly adding more to my wish list, and at this rate will need at least another 72 years to get through them all! I have read some more than once, just because they are that good. Others, I have marked favorite passages to occasionally revisit. But there are so many beckoning from the bookshelf & beyond…!

Can you relate?

I’ll never forget my aha moment one evening, as I was slogging through a large, tedious novel. I always felt obligated to finish any book I started. Thinking that I would somehow be doing a disservice to the author by not reading every word they had felt was necessary in order to tell their story. Concerned I might miss whatever profound point or life lesson was about to be delivered in the plot. That fateful day, I stopped pushing myself through the pages, paused to question this value system, and came to the shocking realization that there was absolutely no valid reason to keep reading a book I didn’t like.

O.  M.  G.

The flood of freedom I felt when I closed that book, abandoned my place in it, left the characters to carry on without me and returned it to the library - UNREAD. UNFINISHED ! ….?!



I would go so far as to say, life-altering! Because this was a lesson to me in other areas of my life too. This liberating concept applied to much more than books. I started applying this new criterion to anything I wished would end already so I could move on to something better. Surprisingly, that was quite a lot in my life, large and small. I got more confident trusting my instincts and listening to my heart and mind; noticing how many areas of my life had alternative choices I could make, different paths I could explore. I considered my time as even more precious, and I got choosier (is that a word?!) with how I spent it. What an epiphany!

Now, I enjoy life more and do not feel guilty walking away from a book, movie, event, whatever, if it doesn’t feel right.

What is your reaction when you are struggling to get through a book? Have some paid off by pushing past the tough parts? How do you choose books? Is it the cover that grabs your attention or are you more likely to read one recommended by a friend with similar tastes? Where is your favorite place to read?

So what have I been reading lately? Here’s a list of the books I’ve finished in the 1st quarter of 2021 - I’ve linked them for more info., in case you’re curious, and *starred them if they were particularly great. Some were in print, others were audio copies that accompanied me during hikes, drives, gardening or lounging in the sun. I hope you find something amongst these that intrigues you. Let me know if you do!

Making a Literary Life. *Braiding Sweetgrass. *This is Not the Story You Think It Is.

*If I Knew Then. The Alice Network. Think & Grow Rich.

Beyond Codependency. Applying the 10 Secrets for Success & Inner Peace.

Excuses Begone. Untamed. Present Over Perfect.

*How to Get What You Really, Really, Really Want. Choosing Your Own Greatness.

*The Book of Joy. Debt-Free for Life.

Have you got some favorites you would recommend?

Please comment and let us know.

Happy Reading! 😊

xo Deena


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