Make it Happen! Manifest What You Desire (part 2)

Manifest? How? 

DYK?! That you already manifest every single day?

Do things happen unexpectedly that you had been thinking about?

Do unexplained occurrences appear, seemingly out of nowhere?

Do you experience surprises and wonder how someone read your mind?

You manifested that!

Everything starts in your imagination, your subconscious mind.

Have you read part 1 of Make It Happen! Manifest What You Desire and claimed your free gift from me? There’s a link in the article. Go grab it now! It’s a copy of my Personal Manifesting Guidebook. 

How’s your mindset after working through the self-reflective questions posted there? Were there any revelations or aha moments for you?

Are you ready to jump into the how-tos of manifesting and start making things happen intentionally?

Let’s go!

Manifesting Step 1: IMAGINE

Using your imagination is the most important first step. Practicing the other steps, as consistently as possible, supports all that you imagine; to bring it to reality. It sounds tedious, but trust me! once you start doing this with intention, it will become 2nd nature. And once you start seeing results, you’ll be excited & inspired to keep going!

Using your imagination was natural and easy when you were a child. Can you still feel how you met each new day, new experience, or new challenge?

Journal prompt: Write ways you could be more like your 6-year-old self as an adult. (Wait! Don’t say, “But I know more now”, “I’m not so innocent and naïve”, “Life is hard”… Work with me here!! We are going to uncover what is holding you back from manifesting your best life!)

If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve got.

If you want something different, then let’s try something different! This will feel too easy (and maybe a bit silly) to your adult-programmed brain, but just take a breath (I’ll wait - yes, take an actual breath! A deep one), relax your shoulders and LET GO of your adult inhibitions and doubts. Now, you’re ready to try again - close your eyes and pull up that feeling of excited anticipation, curiosity and the trust that you had as a child when you met something new. Go ahead, write it down.

Manifesting Step 2: WATCH

This one is a lot of fun! And all you have to do is BE MORE PRESENT. What do I mean by that?

Notice everything. Don’t just ‘exist’ through your day, going through the motions, distracted and robotic. Slow down. Be aware. Of what you see, hear, taste, touch, experience. Feel the feelings that are evoked.

  • Take in the details, colors, textures, shadows that you encounter, especially what you see every day, but haven’t actually LOOKED at closely in a long time.

  • Really listen - to the conversations, nature, silence. Catch the nuances, expressions, subtle undertones.

  • Savor each bite, each mouthful, each breath, every scent. Consider the love & care that was added by those who prepared what you’re enjoying, even if it was you.

  • Fully sense the impression of whatever touches your skin - the surfaces that your feet, hands, body touch, the warmth of the sun.

Yes, this will take more time, if it‘s done right & done consciously, but the beauty that will bless your world is well worth the effort and soon it will come naturally. Remember how fascinated your childhood self was to explore, discover and examine your world? THAT! is what you want to get in touch with. Apply this to your daily existence and celebrate the beauty that surrounds you, the joy, the ABUNDANCE!

So, why is watching part of manifesting? In order to bring more abundance, it is important to acknowledge & be grateful for the abundance we already have, to celebrate and embrace it and RECOGNIZE MORE WHEN IT ARRIVES!

What we desire isn’t always delivered in the package or at the time that we expect.

Journal prompt: What have you observed or become more aware of since practicing being more present?

Manifesting Step 3: TAKE ACTION

Show the universe you are serious about what you want, what you’re asking for. Be prepared to help CO-CREATE the life of your dreams.

Does this step surprise you? Were you expecting the universe to drop these desires into your lap without any intentional action on your part? This might sound harsh, but if you don’t make it clear to the universe that you’re an active participant in this venture, then the results won’t be as incredible! Say, for instance, you want a new home or a dream vacation. Have you done anything specific towards that goal? Do you have a list of exactly what the prefect home/vacation includes? Are you familiar with the area, the actual costs involved, the details to plan & execute the process? Have you looked at houses/trips online; talked to a realtor/travel agent? How about your dream job? Have you checked out online recruiting ads or talked to your current employer about a position you’d be interested in? Or have you considered turning a passion into your own business? What would it take to make that happen? Do you know?

Can you see how taking intentional focused action communicates your expectations to the universe, and to your subconscious; that you have every intention of experiencing what you desire? That you are willing to be a part of creating that in your life? Does this feel like too much work? Only YOU can decide if having all that you imagine is worth the effort.

Journal prompt: Consider your top 10 list of desires. What ACTIONS can you take for each to bring them closer to reality - to communicate to the universe that you are ready to co-create your best life?

Manifesting Step 4: DON’T SETTLE

You were brave enough to list your top 10 greatest desires. You dug deep, recognized them, admitted them to yourself and put them down on paper.. eek!! Scary & exciting - AmIright? You may have felt uncomfortable about that process. It may have felt discouraging to consider what exists in your dreams, but not yet in your life. You may have wanted to stop right there and give up. But you didn’t!!!!! Thank you for trusting me and pushing on.


Now that those desires are out there, don’t downplay them, don’t downsize them, don’t deny they are on your heart and in your dreams. When you do that, it sends a very clear message to the universe and to your imagination and your subconscious mind.

Plan A = your greatest desires. Plan B = what you actually expect. Hmmmm… which do you think will show up? The universe will send what you are expecting, so keep those expectations HIGH!! Don’t settle! When you are taking intentional actions, keep those greatest desires in mind.

I have a true example that I think makes this point well: A woman was shopping for a new home. She had a list of 10 features she really wanted. Her realtor showed her NUMEROUS listings, visiting many, but the closest she came to filling her wish list was 8/10. What did she do? She did not settle. What happened? Plan A! She found a 10/10 not long after declining the 8/10! Was it worth the effort? The time? The doubt? Only YOU can decide!

Journal prompt: Take another look at your list of top 10 greatest desires. Are they as big as you truly desire? Did you downplay them before putting them on the list? What is your Plan A? What is your Plan B?

Manifesting Step 5: PRACTICE RECEIVING

WoW! That’s been heavy. Thank you for working through some areas of deep self-reflection, self-exploration and soul-searching. It can be hard to be honest with yourself. What has been the most enlightening? Anything incredibly insightful and transforming come up? Please message me and share these breakthroughs – the aha moments! I’d love to celebrate them with you 😊 or share them in the comments section, below, so we can all celebrate with you!

Just look at all we’ve done so far!! You have:

  • Declared your greatest desires

  • Explored your imagination

  • Opened your senses

  • Took intentional action

  • Committed to Plan A

What’s next?

Let’s explore your answer to the “What kind of receiver are you?” question. (Look back and check your answers from part 1 of Make It Happen! Manifest What You Desire if you need a reminder). If receiving is awkward and uncomfortable for you, then let’s work on that. You  don’t want to miss out on the abundance offered to you because of the difficulty you have with receiving. Let’s practice welcoming with arms wide open and your heart ready to embrace all that is offered!

Journal prompt: List some opportunities where you can practice being a better receiver. Describe how that would play out and how that makes you feel. (Here are some ideas of opportunities > compliments; offers to help)

You now have some powerful tools to start MANIFESTING WITH INTENTION!

Absolutely ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! when you:

  • Acknowledge and declare your desires

  • Watch for them to appear in whatever package and at whatever time they show up

  • Take intentional action to co-create your desires

  • Commit to and expect your greatest desires, or something even better!

  • And practice receiving abundance with an open mind, an open heart and open arms

Make these practices part of your daily life.

*Share them with your loved ones so they can learn to manifest intentionally. Together you are even more powerful!

There is more than enough abundance for everyone and the universe if extremely generous.



xo Deena

*Has this article and my Manifesting Guidebook been helpful? Why not share it with a friend?




Make It Happen! Manifest What You Desire (part 1)