Be Careful What You Wish For..

True story:

It was a cold dark winter night when a random stranger suddenly & unexpectedly appeared right in front of my car. He was carrying something in his hand, but my brain didn’t register what it was in time. Before I realized what he was up to, he dropped a soggy wet squeegee right in the middle of my windshield. With a huge grin, he washed the entire pane of glass while I tried to figure out why? When I gushed with thanks & appreciation, he said he just wanted to make my day & wished me a “Merry Christmas!”. He didn’t even work there.

I found myself at this gas station due to a last-minute change in kids’ plans, meeting them ½ way with the needed skates. I hadn’t filled with gas. I’d decided instead to swing into the Costco on the other end of town on my way home (which is also part of this story.. keep reading!).

This incident happened during a week that I was fighting a rare nasty bug – and it was kickin’ my ass. I was fevered, achy & could barely swallow water. The thoughtful kindness of this older man, and the obvious pleasure he took in his generous act, left an impression. Genuine evidence of how easily we can bring a bit of joy to others, and evidence of the abundance always available to us. If we can welcome, accept and appreciate it, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential, you can know with confidence that more is on the way.

Now, here’s the rest of the story – a funny thing.. as I drove away, now sporting a grin as big as his, I started thinking..

I should maybe have taken advantage of the availability of a squeegee (something that isn’t always available at the gas pumps in winter) to wash my grimy headlight covers after a week of slushy driving. I was already at the next set of lights when I had that epiphany, so brushed the thought aside. Next stop – Costco. All I needed was gas and that late at night the usual lineup was non-existent. No sooner had I started the pump when I saw an older man making his way from vehicle to vehicle. Mine was next. He was carrying a spray bottle and rag. And wearing a huge grin. And yup, you guessed it – wiping. everyone’s. headlight. covers.

Never, have I ever, seen this. anywhere. The timing was not lost on me either. Within minutes of me wishing I could clean my lights..

As I drove the rest of the way home, I marveled at what had just happened. The beauty of humankindness. The fulfilling of exact (as well as needed) desires – no matter how small. A reminder to watch for them, expect them, know they are meant for us. And know that there’s even more power when we invite these intentionally! That’s how I ended up spending over 2 weeks of October - in Mexico - for my first visit ever! Totally unexpected. Always yearned for. Often visualized. Trusting the universe with the timing and details. Manifested perfectly. I knew it would happen. And it did!

It happens all the time.

These are just a couple of examples.
This shit isn’t woo-woo.
There is actual science behind it.
You can study it inside out for years, or you can trust it.
Either way, it’s powerful and it’s simple.
There are no prerequisites, no qualifying exams.
You are worthy & deserving just as you are.

Don’t give up on what you want most.
YOU can make shIT happen!

🙋‍♀️ Curious to get started? Grab a FREE copy of my intro. to manifesting guidebook 👉 here.

🙋‍♀️ Wanna go deeper? I’ve written 2 new books to inspire and help you – the “You Can Make shIT Happen!” guidebook and the “I Can Make Sh!t Happen!” companion journal. Both available on Amazon & in local bookstores. Inside your guidebook, you’ll find:

  • simple steps to help you make shIT happen in your life

  • tons of stories to encourage & inspire you

  • journaling prompts (& pages) to pump up your manifesting power!

🙋‍♀️ Want my help? Book a FREE call with me to explore how I can help you get there even faster!

In the meantime, be careful what you wish for!! The universe is listening and ready to make shIT real!
xo Deena


Why Resolutions Suck


Adios, see you later!