He gave me his credit card! then this happened..

I took a leap & did a really scary thing recently, but that's just the back story!
(If you missed it, check out my social posts for all the details)

Here's where it all started..
Sounds silly, but putting paint to paper terrifies me 🙀 so of course I signed up for a paint class lol.
It inspired me to want to dabble a bit more after the class, so I picked up some cheap brushes & paper (no paint lol, cuz I was sure the kids had paints trippin' around the house somewhere).
When I couldn't find any paint, & my hubby sweetly asked if there was anything I needed from Walmart when he was in town, I asked him to grab a paint pallet.
He brought home a very nice tray for mixing paints (an actual pallet), but no paint haha. 🤦‍♀️😂

I got exactly what I'd asked for, but not what I'd envisioned

And here's where the credit card story comes in.. he gave me his credit card & PIN so I could return the tray when I ran errands. He teased me about going on a shopping spree with it, which led to him asking where I'd want to have a shopping spree. This question caught me off guard. I'm not a big shopper - Costco, Value Village & the 'Zon cover most of my needs.
We finally agreed that our list would likely include the grocery store, liquor store & a book store (he may have mentioned Princess Auto or something manly like that - & hey, I don't mind browsin' the aisles there either TBH haha). Seriously, those were our first stops on the ‘shopping spree wish list’ - talk about big dreams lol!

Anyway, it made me think of how this applies to our lives in so many ways 👇
1. how often do we pause to think of what we'd genuinely love more of in our lives?
2. why are our dreams so small & practical (or vague - like wanting more $)?
3. can we reach further, dream bigger & believe they're possible!
4. why aren't we welcoming opportunities to receive abundance (big & small)?
5. are we ready to accept what the universe sends our way, instead of what we ask for? You know it's gonna be so much better! (that was a pretty great pallet actually! Maybe the universe is suggesting I should take this painting gig more seriously.. 🤔🤷‍♀️)

Here’s my 1st attempt! 👩‍🎨

Let’s dig into this a bit more with some suggestions: 👇

1. Can you schedule in a couple minutes each day (maybe when you first wake up in the morning) to really FEEL that dream?

2. Get specific! Add details to your dreams – scents, sounds, colors, flavors, people, scenery.

3. Be honest, have you been settling for Plan B, instead of believing Plan A is truly possible & what you actually WANT

4. Notice every detail around you – there is so much abundance! Feel how laughter, a pretty site, rustling leaves, water – feels, how it fills you with joy, contentment, peace – intentionally pause & notice, absorb it.

5. Accept & be open to insight, inspiration and guidance that could all be part of your path to creating what you want most in your life. You’re seeing only a small portion of your story unfold in front of you, but the universe sees what is possible and will send the right person, the right things, to cross your path in order to make your dreams happen.

That’s why it’s so important to dream big, feel them & believe they’re possible.

SHARE YOUR DREAMS! Tell at least 1 person (and me too!) – this amplifies your power 1000000x & flexes your manifesting muscles!

Why is it important to share your dreams??

  • Because it instantly becomes more real for you.

  • It gives someone else an opportunity to help you make those dreams come true &

  • inspires them to dream big too.

    AND it helps you stay on track because now you feel more accountable for your actions (big & small) to lead toward those dreams!

Try these suggestions & I bet that soon they will become part of your daily habits.

You are now more aware of abundance, welcoming it in even the smallest ways – which will invite more to you!

Let me know where YOU'D like to have a shopping spree!  

Meanwhile, you'll find us eating, drinking & reading - living our best life for today lol and dreaming even bigger dreams! (eating, drinking & reading on a tropical beach somewhere 🍨🍍😎👙🍹📖⛱🌴)

In case you haven't heard this yet today my friend, you are 💝 loved, you are strong, you are a frickin' ROCKSTAR! and I appreciate you so much.
xo Deena 

P.S. DidYouKnow??!!
I just published TWO brand new books FOR YOU ! They’re all about not waiting any longer for what you want most in your life.
There’s a guidebook AND there’s a > companion journal too!! with an online course in the works.

>You can ‘Make Sh!t Happen’ for you too and I’m always here to help you.
(They’re both available on Amazon — linked above)

Don’t give up on what you want most!
>> Let me help you with powerful manifesting — made EASY! <<


10 Words that will Change Your Life


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